Thursday, November 25, 2010

The First Post

You've got to start somewhere so let's start with links to my previous two blogs: and

I've decided to continue blogging using the Blogger platform because it now integrates with my Google Apps domain.  I want to write about more than just virtualization.  And the VMware blogging platform has been too sucky for too long (at least for authors).  And Microsoft Spaces was sucky enough that they've given up and are forcing customers to shutdown or migrate to the WordPress platform.

Now I can write about anything I want!  While you will continue to see posts about virtualization technologies (and not just from VMware), I'll also be writing about music, guitar, philosophy, parenting, IT and other rants and raves as I see fit.

I generally do not endorse any specific product or service.  If I recommend something it's because I've used it and genuinely find it of value.  In other words, expect the highest of integrity here.

Happy Thanksgiving and happy reading!